For those of you who’ve been looking to convert Amiga Ascii art into a vectored file in Illustrator – you’ll know what a pain in the arse it is to find the Amiga True Type Fonts (Amiga TTF), In my case the elusive MicroKnight font.
Thankfully, TrueSchool Ascii has released a pack containing all the Amiga fonts you’ll need for your Ascii projects – the Multi Platform Amiga Fonts v1.02
The pack contains the following fonts in eot, fon, psf v1, psf v2, raw (headerless) screens, and ttf formats
- Original Topaz Kickstart 1.x version
- Modified Topaz Kickstart 1.x version
- Original Topaz Kickstart 2.x version
- Modified Topaz Kickstart 2.x+ version
- Original P0T-NOoDLE font
- Original MicroKnight font
- Modified MicroKnight version
- Original mO’sOul font
This certainly isn’t “new” but we wanted to make it easier for our fellow Amiga ascii artists to find the fonts they need to recreate their beautiful work in a print-ready format.
Click below to download the Amiga Font pack from our servers
This pack was taken from – we’ve made it available from our servers to ensure it’s around for a long time to come.
Enjoy and big thanks to TrueSchool Ascii
Thanks 🙂