Before we get into the juicy Pimiga goodness, let’s clear a few things up.

You SHOULD NOT pay for PiMiga 2.0 or any other version. Anyone “selling” PiMiga installation is NOT doing so lawfully. Pimiga is the brainchild of Chris Edwards (check out his YouTube Channel here) – who has the Trademark for the Pimiga wordname and logo. The recent “attacks” on him are both unjust and simply a disgrace. Pimiga was created for the benefit of the community, if you want to support anyone then please show your love for Chris. Without the dedication, expertise and generosity of Chris and others in the Amiga community, we would not have the abundance of software and hardware we now enjoy. Support these legends in any way you can.

If Mike Steele is reading this. Go f**k yourself. In the words of Monkey Island “Now I know what filth and stupidity really are.”

With that out the way, let’s get started.

Useful links

Whilst I hope this guide is useful, you can not beat the wise words of the folks over at the PiMiga Discord Group. I can’t stress how much I recommend joining them over there.

Downloading Pimiga 2.0

  • Firstly, you’ll need a BitTorrent client, some options for this are rTorrent, QBittorrent… It’s up to you.
  • You should now download the torrent. You can get this from the PiMiga discord group or use the link below.

Please make sure you seed for as long as possible. We seeded this with over 2.4TB of uploads – a worthy and noble cause!

Simply open the torrent file with your client and the download will begin. The file is over 22GB and unpacks to over 60GB. Make sure you have the space for the files. Depending on your connection speed and the number of seeds – this may take a while.

Whilst the Pimiga downloads – why not check out the readme file included using the link below.


What do you need

  • WinRar or 7zip (we recommend Winrar)
  • Win32DiskImager – download here
  • A Raspberry Pi 4 / 400 (you can not use a Pi3). At this point we’d recommend the Pi 400 as Pi 4 boards are like rocking horse s**t.
  • A 64GB SD card – Amazon is a great source for these – click here
  • You will need an Amiga 1200 ROM file (v3.1 is suggested). Please make sure you obtain these legally.

Which Pi4?

There are a number of Pi models offering different amounts of RAM. Any variation will work however if you intend on having a memory hungry Workbench setup it’s recommended that you use a Pi4 with at least 4GB of ram.

Unpacking Pimiga

Locate the file you have downloaded with your torrent client, you will need to extract the file contained within the PIMIGA2.0x64.7z file either using 7zip or Winrar. We love us some Winrar (as below). This .img file will unpack to over 40GB so make sure you have the room for it.

Write the Pimiga Image to the SD card

  • Open Win32DiskImager
  • Select the image file you extracted above, select the SD card as the “Device” and click “Write”

When prompted to “Confirm overwrite” click yes

This process could take some time (40mins+), go get yourself a cup of Tea or Coffee and check out some of the videos on Chris Edwards YouTube Channel

Once the writing process is complete and you are sufficiently hydrated you will see that there is a KICK partition on the SD card. Drop your ROM file into the partition and you’re away.

Now simply pop the drive into your Pi and you’re away!

When booting you will see this screen. No need for alarm. It’s just Linux doing its thing.

Be patient. You’ll soon see the promised land.


The discord covers some of the more complicated setting that maybe required if you like to tinker but here are a couple common ones you might need.

How do I turn off the Pimiga screen saver – “THE TOASTERS”

The screen saver is located in System > WBStartup – it’s called Garshneblanker. Simply move this to another folder

How to setup Wifi

So you want to get your Pimiga online using Wifi. Follow the steps below

Press F12 – this show the Amiberry Menu – Press Quit at the Bottom Left

At the terminal type SUDO RASPI-CONFIG

Using the keyboard select 1. System Options and Press Enter

Select S1 Wireless LAN

Enter your WLAN SSID

Then your wireless password (PSK)

Click OK – Then BACK and Finish. At the terminal type SUDO REBOOT

Like magic, your Pi will reboot 🙂

You now have your Pimiga online!!! Time to browse aminet!!!


I can not stress enough how helpful the folks are over in the office Pimiga Discord Community. Be sure to check it out and be sure to say hi!

There is an FAQ document pinned on the discord that answers any common questions/issues. There’s no point in me listing them here as things are liable to change.

What to do with your Pimiga

As a right of passage, there are 2 things you must do first. Firstly run SysInfo to see how darn fast the Pimiga is. SysInfo is located in System > Programs > Benchmarks > SysInfo


She’s fast. Very Fast.

Next, you must run the Frontier demo and compare smooth it runs compared to 1995 when it ran like a slideshow on your childhood Amiga 500. Run iGame using the icons at the bottom of the Workbench desktop. In the Filter bar type Frontier

Not only will you be amazed at Frontier – you’ll also have access to a total of 4841 games from iGame. That’ll keep you busy for a while.

What have we missed?

Have we missed something? Are you struggling with something or are we talking s**t at some point in this article? Let us know in the comments or email karl (at)

Our PiMiga Setup

We’ve done things a little different with our PiMiga setup. We have used an Amiga 500 case and a non-destructive mounting kit for the Raspberry Pi.

If you’re also looking to do this we do sell an Amiga 500 keyboard USB adapter that will let you connect your Amiga 500 keyboard to your Pi. We Did offer the 3D printed mounting kits and would consider doing a run of these if there is interest.

Amiga 500 USB Keyboard Adapter (HID)

Let’s hear from you!

What are your experiences with Pimiga 2.0, have you got any tips you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below