by Retro32UK | Jul 29, 2021 | Amiga Resources
Back in the day, I never saw the attraction of covering up my beloved Amiga 500. Things have changed a lot. Pets, Kids and working from home mean that I’ll do anything to protect my Amiga 1200 (the Amiga I always promised myself). With such crazy hardware...
by Retro32UK | Apr 26, 2021 | Amiga
This is one of those titles best left a distant memory and through rose-tinted glasses. Despite those glorious graphics and an extensive country list – this game is near impossible to play. Even the slightest mistake renders your car into the nearest hedge as...
by Retro32UK | Dec 27, 2020 | Gaming, Xbox
Since our latest video covering Amiga emulation performance on the Xbox One S seems to be getting record views (for R32 anyway) we thought we’d share with you how you can do this in the comfort of your own home. This article will cover the complete process from...