by FuZioN | Dec 26, 2020 | Demoscene
Nectarine Demoscene Radio is BACK!!! Well, it’s actually been back on air since June 2018 but the re-emergence of the site totally slipped me by and I’ve only just found this out by chance, after doing some casual nostalgic Googling. I may have missed the...
by Retro32UK | Dec 18, 2020 | Demoscene
Our good friends and long time supporters of Retro32 – NeoKorteX are pleased to announce the release of their new Xmas intro entitled. Seasonal GFX, ascii, Xmas high jinx and of course.. A SCROLLER. This little beaut of an intro features a rather stern-looking...
by Retro32UK | Oct 12, 2020 | Demoscene
Released at “The Gathering” 1993 this stunning demo smashed it, securing the group now less than first place in the Amiga compo. Great visuals, a stunning soundtrack and flying watermelons! What’s not to love?!?! Youtube Unlike many other channels on...
by Retro32UK | Oct 10, 2020 | Demoscene
Released at the Mountain Congress party 1993 this stunning demo smashed it, securing the group now less than first place in the Amiga compo. Some digging actually revealed the “hidden part” by “let pressed LMB + RMB when booting” –...
by Retro32UK | Jul 30, 2020 | Demoscene
Just when you think you’ve seen all the most creative demos, out pops something like this. Newtron’s – Music Box combines both an epic soundtrack with a very original UI offering to the ability to turn off and on tracks together with some portly...